Please answer the questions below to help you decide which option is best for you.

How many people do you intend to invite?
8 – 12 | 12 – 19 | 20 -27 |
Go to Question 2 | Go to Question 3 | Go to Question 4 |
Question 2: Are you going to have more than 10?
Yes PLease go to question 5 | No You have 3 options avaiLable to you We would suggest either the Neon Blast, UV Party or the Custom Party. PLease see the relevant pages for further details. |
Question 3:Do you want to have the games in the arena just for your group?
Yes We would recommend the Just Us League. PLease see the relevant page for further details. | No We have a number of parties that may suit your requirements. Please go to Question 6. |
Question 4:do you want chips included in the cost of the party?
Yes We would recommend the Marvellous Party | No We would recommend the Super Party |
Question 5:Do you want Exclusive use of the Arena for your group?
Yes We would recommend the JUST US LEAGUE PARTY | No We would recommend the Marvellous Party |
Question 6:do you want chips included in the cost of the party?
Yes We would recommend the Marvellous Party | No We would recommend the Super Party |
IF this hasnt come up with what you are looking for we would recommend the Custom Party. Last Resort, Call us on 01634 786 953 and we can work out which one will be best for you.